Wednesday, February 4, 2009

THEN and NOW...Palm Springs Baby!!!

Almost 16 years ago, Eric took me to beautiful Palm Springs, CA for our honeymoon. He surprised me for my birthday and took me back. We had such a blast and the weather was amazing! We fell in love with this city and dream of having a winter home there someday when we get old! Anyway I thought it would be fun to show some "Then and Now" pictures.

THEN: We were so young and cute!

NOW: We are older, but I still think we are pretty cute!

THEN: Eric doing his thing!

NOW: Nice swing baby!

THEN: Posing in front of PGA West

NOW: This is the entrance to PGA West where they hold a lot of pro golf tournaments.

THEN: Us being in love...

NOW:Us being dorks at a souvenir shop...We are still in love...But just not as mushy!

THEN: We took a tram up to the top of this huge mountain.

NOW: Same tram...same platform...same pose...The only difference was this time it was at night...oh...and we've changed just a little...


Our friend, James Edmondson, who caddies on the PGA Tour invited us to to their BIG ANNUAL CRAWFISH BOWL! They fly in crawfish from Louisianna and cook 'em up! They are pretty tasty! We didn't know very many people there, but they were all so friendly and genuine! We had a great time!


Here we are with our good friend, James. He is such a great guy and was so good to us down there!

Palm Springs is probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been because it is so clean and everything is landscaped...everywhere. This is a picture of what it looks like all over down there. Palm trees and flowers. It is a desert but is surrounded by these huge mountains. We totally fell in love with this place. We had a great trip and appreciate the help we had back home with our kids to make it possible to escape for 5 days!

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